12 Foods that You Should Eat Daily for Clean Arteries

Modern lifestyle patterns often include lack of exercise, stress and unhealthy diet. This can have serious negative effects on the overall health especially on the cardiovascular system. It is very important to take proper care of your cardiovascular health in order to prevent serious health issues.
Millions of people worldwide have clogged arteries which is a disease that can be deadly. The arteries enable the blood to flow throughout the whole body in order to supply every organ, tissue and cell with oxygen which is needed for their proper function.
Eating unhealthy foods and being exposed to toxins cause clogging of the arteries which prevents the blood from traveling properly. This is a condition called atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis does not happen suddenly, and years may pass before you notice that you have it. In order to prevent and treat it, it is important to start making dietary and lifestyle changes.
We are going to present 12 foods that can be very helpful in case of clogged arteries.
Garlic is a super food that has numerous medicinal properties including treatment of clogged arteries.
It removes the free radicals from the body because of the many antioxidants it contains thus promoting the blood flow.
Regular consumption of garlic regulates the LDL cholesterol levels, it also expands the arteries and strengthens the structure of the aorta.
The Journal of Nutrition has published a study which explained that coronary arteries can be thoroughly cleaned with the help of garlic extract which also fixes metabolic syndrome.
You should include more garlic in your everyday meals and in case of clogged arteries consume 1-2 raw garlic cloves before breakfast every morning.
Pomegranates also contain antioxidants which destroy the free radicals and also promote the blood flow. They reduce the risk of atherosclerosis by dissolving the unhealthy fats accumulated in the blood vessels.
Pomegranates can repair broken or impaired arteries by promoting the production of nitric oxide in the body thus removing the clogs from the blood vessels.
Clinical Nutrition has published a study where it was discovered that drinking pomegranate juice can improve the condition of patients with carotid artery stenosis. Another study has explained the ability of pomegranates to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the blood vessels.
You should drink pomegranate juice or eat 1-2 fresh pomegranates daily for best results.
Green tea
Green tea has strong antioxidant properties which reduce the bad cholesterol levels thus removing clots. You should drink 1-2 cups of green tea daily. Green tea also promotes the weight loss process by enabling the metabolism to restart itself.
Spinach has the ability to flush accumulated toxins and waste from the body. It removes the plaque and reduces the risk of blood clotting by helping the arteries remain active due to the nitric oxide it contains.
A study published in Clinical Nutrition Research has discovered that you can halve postprandial arterial stiffness by consuming spinach for one week.
Spinach helps remove the bad cholesterol and it also strengthens the overall structure of the arteries because it is rich in vitamins A and C.
Potassium and folic acid are also found in spinach and they are excellent for treating high blood pressure.
You should include at least ½ cup of spinach in your everyday diet. A simple and easy way to use spinach is to add it into your breakfast smoothie.
Asparagus is rich in B vitamins, particularly B6 which is very important for promoting proper blood flow and cleansing the arteries. This vegetable can also reduce homocysteine and it contains vitamin C which has anti-inflammatory properties. A study from 2005 explained the link between increased homocysteine levels and increased risk of blood clotting.
Asparagus is very beneficial for this condition because it contains vitamins B6 and B12.
Asparagus encourages the production of glutathione in the body – an antioxidant that helps the body fight inflammation and clogging of the arteries. The vitamin K in asparagus enables the
preservation of calcium remains in the arteries.
This vegetable should definitely become a part of your everyday diet, as soon as possible.
Avocados are rich in numerous nutrients including healthy fats which can increase good and remove bad cholesterol.
The Archives of Medical Research has published a study where it was explained that patients with hypercholesterolemia showed favorable results when their diet was based on monounsaturated fatty acids.
Avocados also prevent cholesterol oxidization due to the amount of vitamin E they contain.
Avocados can be easily included in almost every meal whether it is salty or sweet. Try to consume at least ½ avocado daily.
Turmeric is a spice that contains high amounts of curcumin which has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Curcumin also provides protection to the heart and blood vessels and minimalizes the chances of clotting by preventing the accumulation of LDL cholesterol.
One study from 2015 has shown the benefits of curcumin in cases of clogged arteries and reduced heart function.
You can use turmeric by mixing 1 teaspoon of powder in a glass of warm milk and drink it 1-2 times a day. You can also take 400-600 mg of curcumin supplements, however always consult your doctor first.
Broccoli is the best vegetable for the heart health because it is rich in vitamin K, it lowers LDL cholesterol and is also able to prevent calcification of the arteries.
Apples contain pectin which promotes blood flow and regulates the LDL levels. They also control the absorption of cholesterol by encouraging the production of bile acids.
Apples are rich in flavonoids which are very beneficial for the cardiovascular health.
A study from 2013 has discovered that apples are able to improve the condition of middle-aged patients by 40 percent within a month.
Chia seeds
Chia seeds can regulate the blood pressure and the issues with blood vessels because they are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and fiber.
Prepare a chia gel by mixing 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water. Let the mixture soak for half an hour and then you can use it as an addition to smoothies or baked goods.
nother way of using chia seeds is by sprinkling them on oatmeal or yogurt or by adding them in salads. Note: Chia seeds collect water from the body so you should be well hydrated before you consume them.
Flaxseeds can prevent inflammation and reduce the blood pressure because they contain alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). They can also prevent clogging and its recurrence.
Cranberries also have strong antioxidant properties that reduce the bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Drinking cranberry juice can be much more beneficial for your health than you may think.
You can regulate the blood flow and fight inflammation by drinking only 2 glasses of cranberry juice a day.
12 Foods that You Should Eat Daily for Clean Arteries 12 Foods that You Should Eat Daily for Clean Arteries Reviewed by Wolf Spirit on July 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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