The Cherokee Indians believe that the Creator has given them medicinal herbs for natural healing. Their medicine is solely found in nature. These 10 medicinal plants have a long history of common use with the Cherokees to promote different forms of healing.
- Blackberry
Blackberry is a long-known remedy to the Cherokee Indians for calming an upset stomach, among other things. Blackberry tea can be used to reduce swelling in the joints, while chewing on blackberry leaves can soothe sore gums. Blackberry root mixed with honey or maple syrup makes an all-natural cough syrup. Blackberries are full of antioxidants that promote heart health and boost the immune system.
- Buckbrush
The roots of this plant have been used used by Cherokee Indians to improve kidney function and reduce inflammation. Researchers still believe today that this herb is a great natural treatment for high blood pressure. To make a tea, simply steep the leaves and flowers in boiling water for about five minutes, then drink.
- Cattail
This plant has been used as a preventative medicine, rather than a healing plant. The cattail was eaten because it is easily digestible, and the Cherokees believed it would help to prevent illness or assist in recovery.
- Mint
The fruit of a rose is known as a rose hip. They are packed with Vitamin C to boost the immune system, and the Cherokee have used them to make a tea in order to stimulate the bladder and kidney function. They also work great as a natural cold and flu remedy.
- Yellow Dock
The Cherokee Indians have historically used this herb in cooking, as it boasts vitamins and minerals from its long roots that form deep underground. The leaves of yellow dock contain iron and can be used as a laxative, and the crushed roots mixed with warm water provides antiseptic properties.
- Sumac
Sumac (the non-poisonous kind) has antioxidants that promote healing. The berries are rich in Vitamin C and can be made into a beverage, while tea from sumac leaves can be used to reduce fevers. Crushed sumac leaves can even be made into an ointment to provide relief from a skin rash.
10 Medicinal Plants Native Americans Used To Cure Everything From Inflammation To Infections!
Reviewed by Wolf Spirit
July 20, 2018